
Showing posts from March, 2015

Convert Integer Number to String Number in java

Please find Java code below using Enum Concept :- import java.util.Scanner; class No{     public enum hundreds {OneHundred, TwoHundred, ThreeHundred, FourHundred, FiveHundred, SixHundred, SevenHundred, EightHundred, NineHundred}     public enum tens {Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty, Sixty, Seventy, Eighty, Ninety}     public enum ones {One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine}     public enum denom {Thousand, Lakhs, Crores}     public enum splNums { Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen}     public static String text = "";     public static void main(String[] args)      {         System.out.println("Enter Number to convert into words");         Scanner sc = new Scanner(;         long num = sc.nextInt();         int r...

Database Important Point

Database basically Used to store the data in tabular format . but this is only possible because of RDBMS Technology. > RDBMS(Relational Database Management System ) :-used to store data in tabular format . _________________________________________________________________________________ . Basic Command used in Command console  > create Database Anand; > show databases; > use Anand; > show tables; > CREATE TABLE STUDENTS(SID INT,SNAME VARCHAR(15),EMAIL VARCHAR(30),PHONE LONG,FEE FLOAT); > INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES(101,'Anand',"anand@blore.COM",8985558,9979.99); INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES(102,'Antrish',"antrish@blore.COM",8944589,9949.99); INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES(103,'Ajeet',"ajeet@blore.COM",8983389,9299.99); > drop database Anand; > Select * from Students  ============Better see attached image ==================
***** Important Program asked in interview ********** _________________________________________________________________________________ 1. how to print all default value of all primitive and user defind data type ? 2. how to initialize single varriable ? 3 how to intialize multiple varriable ? 4, how to define Constant varriable ? 5. how to intiallize Boolean Lierals? 6. how to intiallize Character  Lierals? 7. how to define ASCII Character set ? 8. how to print Unicode Character Value as well integer value ? 9. how to print String Literals ? 10. how to print Decimal Literals ? 11.How to print floating point literals? 12. define unary operator ? 13. how to print Logical And Operator ? to print Logical Or Operator ? 14. how to create new operator ? 15. how to print instanceof Operator ? 16. what is Conditional operator ? 17. how to print Left and right shift operator ? 18. how to print any value with follow conditional...

Basic Concept to create a java Proejct

Hi !         few Things remember before learn java project . 1: why java is used on everywhere :-                 #. it is secure means other person can not access your source code .                 #. most of the bank application is created on java only .                 #. As of now statistics 90% people are using android mobile  but some of them they known that application has to create using java ,xml,servlet etc .               #. main thing there is no open source in java . and for learning a java practice and the way you are thinking is important .                #.One of the most significant advantages of Java i...